Simplicity XL
Best For: 4-8 Bathers
Compatible Bullfrog Spas® Models: M Series, Swim Series, A Series 2023+
Simplicity XL Auto Ship Bundles
Simplify your water care routine when you subscribe to automatic delivery of essential supplies to maintain your Bullfrog Spa®. Every kit includes the Frog @ease essentials with your choice of filters.
Each Kit Includes:
✓ 1 x Mineral XL Cartridge (Blue)
✓ 4 x SmartChlor® XL Cartridges (Silver)
✓ 1 x Jumpstart® Packet
✓ 12 x Maintain® Packets
✓ Your choice of filters
Choose an auto-ship program
Sanitation designed specifically for Bullfrog Spas owners.
Enjoy cleaner, clearer, and softer water with the Frog @ease System, custom-designed for your Bullfrog Spa®. This innovative system creates fresh mineral water while eliminating bacteria in two ways—using SmartChlor®, a unique, self-regulating chlorine that works on demand, and FROG Minerals™ for an extra layer of protection. With up to 75% less chlorine usage, your water stays gentle on your skin, your swimsuits maintain their color, and all you have to do is sit back and relax.
How does Frog @ease work?
How does Frog @ease work?
The @ease System combines the proven FROG mineral formula for killing bacteria with SmartChlor Technology that maintains a consistently low chlorine level for weeks.
Unlike normal chlorine that is used up when you get in, SmartChlor continues to maintain the same level, which is up to 75% less than hot tubs using dichlor (standard hot tub chlorine). That’s why we call it self-regulating. It goes to work when the hot tub needs sanitizing so there are no frustrating yo-yo chlorine levels. This time-released method is also why less shock is needed to maintain the hot tub.
What makes SmartChlor better than normal Chlorine?
What makes SmartChlor better than normal Chlorine?
Less Chlorine
Up to 75% less chlorine* with no frustrating yo-yo chlorine levels.
Less Shocking
Shock only once a month!
Self-regulates for continuous crystal clear water.
Less Odors
Easy on hot tub surfaces with less odors.
- Unique form of chlorine that works only with FROG Minerals
- It’s EPA registered
- Unlike dichlor it’s slow dissolving
- It’s self-regulates by automatically delivering more free chlorine when needed
- It maintains a consistent 0.5 – 1.0 ppm free chlorine level at all times
Why is it important to choose a santizier that is CYA free?
Why is it important to choose a santizier that is CYA free?
When cyanuric acid (CYA) builds up, it actually makes chlorine less effective. When that happens the chlorine can’t keep up and you start to experience cloudy water with smelly odors and end up spending more time and money trying to keep the water clean and clear.
Why Frog @ease for Bullfrog Spas?
Less Chlorine
Up to 75%* less chlorine with no frustrating yo-yo chlorine levels
Low Maintenance
Set the dial, install the cartidges and shock only once a month.
No Measuring Required
Self-regulates for continuous crystal clear water.
Easy To Test
Single color match for easy reading – exclusively with FROG @ease Test Strips